Who's who: Leonardo Di Caprio

I want to dedicate this post to the amazing Leonardo DiCaprio to celebrate his birthday today. Now he can be considered as a beautiful 40-year-old man that I will never have a chance with because he’s ‘just’ 20 years older than me (and it is not the only problem). 

Everybody knows Leo DiCaprio for his outstanding interpretations as “Titanic”, “The Aviator”, “Shutter Island”, “Django Unchained”, “The Wolf of Wall Street” and also for his collaborations with great names of Hollywood like Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, Woody Allen, Quentin Tarantino. 

But he’s also famous because of his bad luck at the Academic Awards. In fact, he was nominated 5 times, but he has never won even though his performances on the screen were absolutely terrifying (in a good way, of course). 
Let’s see a few of my favorite DiCaprio’s films.

Still from "Titanic" (1997)

Leonardo started his career in the early ‘90s and his breakout was with “Titanic” in 1997. Really good movie but unfortunately I remember the last part of it a bit blurred and watery.. Oh yes, maybe because I cried all my tears for 40 f*cking minutes! 

In 2002 he filmed “Catch me if you can” with Tom Hanks and I have to admit that I really adore this film. Brilliant! 

In 2010 another really good movie, “Shutter Island” directed by Martin Scorsese. It is one of the most amazing and confusing films of all times. 

My last three favorite movies are “Django Unchained” by Quentin Tarantino (this is in my Favorite Movies Top10), “The Great Gatsby” by Baz Luhrmann (he’s a genius and he never let me down) and finally “The Wolf Of Wall Street” by Martin Scorsese. 
I was absolutely sure he would’ve won an Oscar for his stunning performance as Jordan Belfort but unfortunately for him Matthew McConaughey decided to lose 23 kg and to do the best performance of his entire career (coincidentally, McConaughey has a little part in DiCaprio’s film. Premonition or twist of fate?).

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Oscar or not, Leonardo Di Caprio remains one of the most talented actor in Hollywood. Just hope that someone one day will not decide to make a film about him and the actor in the leading role casually win an Oscar. It would be too much for him. 


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