
Showing posts from January, 2016


My trip to Italy is coming to an end. These six weeks flew pretty fast and I have to thank all those people who were (and hopefully always will be) by my side. I'm gonna miss you all.  I'm going to miss the nights out around Catania, the struggle to find a parking lot at 10 pm, those chavy people yelling at every woman that walked by, the pretty shots, New Year's eve, all my new friends, the non-stop meals from Christmas to January 1st. I'll miss the laughs at 3 am, Chiara that worked as my personal driver most of the time for free, the aperitifs, the never-ending phone calls to torture Lucia, the effort to find a perfect time to meet up with Clara, Alessandra, Giordana and Valeria and make our plan for our trip to London in less than a week, my return to ballet class.  Thanks for the surprise at the airport when I arrived, thanks for bearing me in my long and exhausting monologues and nocturnal dilemmas, thanks to my mum that put up with a two-

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride.

[SPOILER ALERT] People won't stop talking about it. They're furious about the new Sherlock Victorian special episode "The Abominable Bride". As many said, the anticipation of the episode completely misled its fans that found themselves tangled up in a journey between the modern days and the 19th century version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's characters.  It's obvious that Mark Gatiss and the criticized Steven Moffat got carried away by the many episodes they wrote for the other BBC success "Doctor Who".  To be honest, the episode wasn't too difficult to follow. The first part was entirely set in the Victorian age while the second part was a continuous leap between the 19th century, the modern days and Sherlock's mind palace.  I found the mind palace scenes interesting: the first one reminded me of another episode, the one where Moriarty carved "I owe you" on an apple. I think this scene was absolutely great and it left us

You've Got Mail

Hello, people! I already failed my purpose of writing every day, but here I am. Last night I watched "You've Got Mail", a film from 1998 with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. I already watched it a few years ago, but yesterday I looked at it with different eyes. When you get old you look at things in a different way.  It's quite amusing to watch a romantic comedy about two people that never met having a sort of relationship online in 1998. Even better when they talk about virtual sex and stuff like that. It's fun how the film shows how the computer worked at that time, making that weird noise every time they connected to the web. Or when Meg Ryan explains her frustration in waiting for the computer to connects to see her emails. "You've Got Mail" was released 17 years ago, but it is extremely ongoing.  They are two people that apparently never met but know a lot about each other, insomuch to fall in love. But at the same time, th

New Life, New Me.

Bullshit.  Life doesn't suddenly change from a day to the other. But I decided to actually change something about mine.  I will post stuff on this blog daily. Or at least, I'll try to. Stuff about everything. My life, reviews, my experiences. It will be my diary in this 2016 that I know is going to be great, with big life changes.  Said that, I hope you gained 20kg as I did during this Christmas break, so I will feel less guilty.  I'll see you tomorrow. Federica 1 of 366.