All the single ladies, now put your hands up!

Many women face this kind of problem at least once in their lives: you are happily living in a relationship with the “man of your life” and then he suddenly decides to move on to someone else. 

The reaction to this event is always the same. Crying, shouting, insulting him, and believing that you can never find someone as good as him. And that’s the problem. Your goal is to find someone MUCH BETTER than him. 

While I’m writing this post, I have in mind two of Beyoncé’s songs. The first one is “Irreplaceable”, and the second is “Single Ladies”.

Still from "Irreplaceable" (2006)

“Standing in the front yard telling me/ How I'm such a fool, talking about/ How I'll never ever find a man like you/ You got me twisted”.
So true. Unfortunately, the world is plenty of men that practice cheating as a sport, so it’s really easy to find people like that. 

Does it mean that we will stay forever alone? Maybe not. Maybe we will be so lucky as to find our “prince charming”. Or maybe it does (probably.. Did I already tell you about my “live with 27 cats” theory? I think so..). 

Still from "Single Ladies" (2008)

The idea of “Single Ladies” is what I really appreciate at the moment. There is always that guy that wants to break up with you because he aims for freedom, but when he notices that you are finally happy with someone else, he regrets everything and does his best to have you back. 

Please, don’t get me wrong. This happens also when women break up with men, and the result is exactly the same. But I want to deal it from a woman’s point of view for obvious reasons. 

So what’s the point? If you think that I will wait patiently for your return while you dunk your (little) cookie everywhere, you are completely wrong. 

So, dear men out there, don’t complain if your ex girlfriend has finally found someone better than you, “cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it”.  


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